“You’re the sanity when war breaks out in me.”
I am a woman of faith and this is one of my favorite worship song lyrics, for so many reasons. So many crazy, scary, exciting and challenging things have happened in my life this year and I have used this War Cry So. Many. Times.
What is your go-to reaction when things get overwhelming in your life? Do you retreat into isolation? Do you cry? Do you get angry and lose your temper? Do you run away? Do you hold your head high and face it with confidence? I know for me, depending on the situation and season of my life, I have utilized all of the above at one time or another. I also know that slowly and surely, this War Cry has now become my go-to reaction.
There are so many circumstances in which I use my War Cry; one practical use? With my kids. Moms – this parenting hack is for you. As a mother of two tiny humans, I totally understand the chaos of running a household. I mean, seriously, how many times do we have to tell our children to use their manners, to stop fighting, hitting, biting, licking, (insert additional absurd behaviors here) with one another, that it’s not ok to put food (or anything) in your nose and if I trip over you one more time because you can’t be anywhere except under my feet, I am literally going to lose it. Sound familiar? I’ve noticed that by having a go-to War Cry (because let’s face it, stress certainly feels like an internal war) has been life-changing. Instead of losing it, I immediately stop what I’m doing, let the feeling pass and declare this War Cry over my life. Whether you want to cry or keep your head held high, it’s so helpful to have a go-to mantra to get you through whatever you’re facing. What if you could find your War Cry? What if, that when a sense of overwhelm is approaching, whether it’s with your kids or your job or your partner or your life in general, you could immediately stop what you’re doing and declare it over your life, in your head or out loud. Preferably out loud; it’s fun to freak your kids out sometimes.
Just a thought…